OUR VISION: To Be The Most Loving People Possible!
OUR MISSION: Sharing This Loving Model Of Church Life All Over The World
Grace Christian Worldwide Ministries
Welcome to Grace Christian Worldwide Ministries. We are a 501(c)3 incorporated ministry that provides mission support and opportunities, leadership training and a vision to change the world for Christ. Do you feel God calling you to start a new GCF Church????... Contact Dr. Paul Evans today to discuss the possibility... Drevans0825@gmail.com...
Exciting News!!!!!!!!..... Dr Paul is posting on the "daily Devotionals" the 12 Priniciples of One-on-One Discipleship...Don't miss this!!! Go to"About GCWM" to find the devotionals.
A Message from Dr. Paul Evans
The heart and center of everything we believe and practice in our faith is directly connected to obeying The Great Commandment, to love God and to love one another. Second to and directly connected to obeying The Great Commandment, is fulfilling The Great Commission, to share Jesus Christ and His message of love with the entire world making disciples. Especially look at the Daily Devotionals because the 12 principles of discipleship that we are teaching believers around the world are there for you to use!
Please feel free to explore our pages. If you have any questions or comments concerning our work please address your inquiries to: drevans0825@gmail.com
Thank you and may God bless you.
Our Top 3 Priorities
1Evangelism and Discipleship
Winning the lost to faith in Christ and discipling them along with leading them to meaningful church membership
2Church Planting
Planting new churches to provide a body of believers for Christians to gather, worship, and grow in their faith in Christ.
3Leadership Development
Providing training, education, and opportunities for believers to grow spiritually and be better equipped to lead the churches
Learn more about our churches
A brand new ministry there in the UAE. It is exciting to see how this open door will unfold the new work there!!!
You can be a part of our Mission Board if you feel led of the Lord!
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Click on any of the twobooks below to see all the books from Dr. EvansVisit the Book Store
- CONTACT USIf you would like to join us, we want to hear from youGrace Christian Worldwide MinistriesFounder: Dr. Paul T. Evans
The work in the Middle East has begun in the UAE. Many people are receptive to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are expecting many people to become
a part of Grace Christian Worldwide Ministries as the work grows there!
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