SincerelySeek Prayer and Healing for our Broken Hearts
1. It is impossible to release andmaintain the abundant life Christ offers to us when we are sick, especially
when our hearts are broken for whatever reason. Proverbs 15:13; 17:22; 18:14.
The broken heart/spirit is a sad, lonely, and empty place to be. There is no
one living that does not have many places in their heart where they have been
hurt and wounded and these wounds unresolved and healed prevent or remove any
genuine chance of walking in the abundant life!
(1) Theconsequences of our own sins Psalm 38:1-10; Psalm 40:12
(2) Theresults of other people’s sins against us Psalms 38: 12; Psalm 40:14-15
(3) Theadverse circumstances of life Matthew 5:45
(4) Thework of the enemy of our souls against us 1 Peter 5:8; Ephesians 6:12; John
3. Various responses to the broken heart
(1) Peoplecan develop a hardened heart and an emotional disconnectedness to protect
themselves from further hurt.
(2) Peoplecan turn to various vices to seek self-comfort from the pain like alcohol,
drugs, sex, shopping, etc.
(3) Peoplecan become embittered, angry, and even hateful, hurting others because they are
hurting so much.
(4) Peoplecan lose themselves in busyness and work.
(5) Peoplecan develop mental illness like depression and anxiety and may even become
4. But Thanks be to the Lord who has providedhelp and healing for our broken hearts.
5. In Luke 4:18-19, we find Jesus as Hebegins His ministry making a huge emphasis on this whole matter of healing the
broken heart. Each of the four things he has come to do, each of them related
directly to brokenness and woundedness in our lives.
(1) “Healthe brokenhearted” – Here is a direct and clear indication of the healing and
curing of the heart that is sick. The word “Heal” here is a word that means to
(2) “Proclaimliberty to the captives” – The word for “liberty” here means to pardon and to
experience forgiveness. This has to do with the spiritual and emotional bondage
we find ourselves in because of the “place” we’ve given to the devil
(3) “Recoveryof sight to the blind” – This “recovery of sight” is actually one Greek word
which literally means to look up again. When we are suffering from hurt and
woundedness of a broken heart, most people are looking downward, not thinking
or feeling that there is another chance. The healing from Jesus causes us to
look up again.
(4) “Toset at liberty those who are oppressed” – “Liberty” here again is pardon and
experiencing forgiveness. To be “oppressed” means to be broken. So, Jesus has
come to bring pardon and forgiveness in order to repair and to restore that
which has been broken
6. In James 5:16, The emphasis is onconfessing your sins to others and having others pray for you that you may be
healed. This type of confession and seeking prayer is not just with anyone. In
verse14, we see there is to be a call for the elders of the church, not just
anyone. This is an indication of having someone or a small group of people who
are spiritually mature and fully trustworthy to assist in praying and
counseling with you. Today we have the blessing of having available trained
professionals to help also. So, this point leads us to seek help from
individuals who are spiritually mature, trustworthy, and trained in some matter
to help us in obtaining healing to our emotions.
7. There are several areas to cover in thismatter of healing for our broken hearts:
(1) Gainingclarity of what God’s word has to say about particular areas.
(2) Receivingcomfort, support, and encouragement
(3) Practicinggenuine biblical forgiveness
(4) Experiencingdeliverance ministry
a. Pullingdown strongholds
b. Castingout demons
c. UnlockingGates of Hell
(5) Breakingvarious curses
a.Generational curses (Exodus 34:7)
b.Curses in general (Galatians 3:10-14)
i. Breaking God’s laws
ii. Words people speakover us
i. Thingswe speak and believe over ourselves
(6) Breakingnegative soul bonds
1. Soul bonding is the intimate connectionbetween two people or a person and something else that can be in the body,
mind, emotions, and/or the spirit.
2. There positive soul bonds that can take placein your life.
(1) Loving healthy maritalrelationships Genesis 2:24-25
(2) Close healthyfriendships that build us up, speak wisdom, encouragement, and healing into our
lives, and provides godly examples and counsel when needed. 1 Samuel 18:1
(3) Loving healthyparental/child relationships Ruth 1:16; Ephesians 6:1-4
3. There are negative soul bonds that can takeplace in your life too
(1) Immoral relationshipsboth physical and emotional 1 Corinthians 6:15-20
(2) Abusive andcontrolling relationships
(3) Unresolved brokenrelationships (death, separation, desertion, etc.)
(4) Dependent andinappropriate relationships in the Family and without the family
(5) Blind devotion andcommitment to an organization or institution.
4. How to identify or recognize negative soulbonding
(1) You are in aphysically, and/or emotionally, and/or spiritually abusive relationship, but
you “feel” so attached to them that you refuse to cut off the connection and
set boundaries with them.
(2) You have a brokenrelationship, maybe even from a long ago, but you think about the other person a
lot. In other words, you can’t get them out of your mind.
(3) Whenever you do thingsand make decisions, you often think about how that other person might want you
to do.
(4) You feel empty andincomplete when you are not with that person.
(5) When you have sex withsomeone else (hopefully your husband or wife), you can hardly keep yourself
from visualizing the person you have a soul tie with.
(6) You often see thetraits of the person that your soul is tied to surface in your thoughts,
feelings and actions.
(7) You feel you mustprotect and are very defensive of that person if anyone ever appears to speaknegatively about them or what they have done or are currently doing
(8) You defend your rightto stay in a relationship with the person that your soul is tied to, even
though it is negatively affecting or even destroying the important
relationships in your life (husband, wife, kids, parents, leaders, etc.)
5. How to break negative soul bonds
(1) Recognize that youhave one, that it is ungodly, and you have a desire to break it.
(2) Confess it openly tosomeone you trust who is a godly person who understands these matters.
(3) Have that person praywith you as you confess it as wrong and sin calling on the Name of Jesus (His
name represents all that He is) and the Blood of Jesus (His blood represents
all that He has done through His blood) to speak in authority that this
specific bond is broken!
(4) Declare your freedomthrough Christ and thank God for it.
(5) Continue to outwardlyspeak to any thoughts or feelings that come into your heart and mind that this
bond is broken through Christ and you will have none of these thoughts or
feelings in your heart or mind!
(6) Cut off any connectionwith that person if they are still around you as much as possible.
6. ExperiencingInner Healing ministry
(1) Innerhealing deals with our response to what we have experienced.
(2) Innerhealing is a truth encounter with God.
a. Innerhealing is an experience with the true presence of Christ (Ephesians 3:17; John
b. Innerhealing is an experience with the true word of Christ (Hebrews 4:12).
(3) Innerhealing is a cooperative effort between us and God.
a. Wemust be willing to give and receive forgiveness.
b. Wemust be willing to re-enter past traumatic experiences knowing God is there
waiting for us.
c. Wemust be willing to accept God’s love and healing for our pain.
d. Wemust be willing to allow God to reframe our memories to the truth and
experience He gives to us.
(4) Innerhealing is an ongoing work in our lives.
(5) TheKeys to a Successful Inner Healing Experience
a. Tobe sick and tired of being sick and tired and truly desire help, healing, and
b. Tobelieve Inner Healing is genuine and God empowered.
c. Willingnessto re-experience the pain before the power of healing can be realized.
d. Opennessto receive from the Lord the renewing of your mind, the healing of your
e. Readyand willing to walk out in daily life the healing that comes to you.
(6) Actualsteps of Inner Healing
a. Towant help and be open to this work.
b. Closeeyes and relax.
c. Freeassociation to various traumatic events or directed.
d. Focuson only one specific event at a time
e. Movingfrom cognitive to emotions concerning the event
f. Stoppingthe action and finding Jesus and getting in His arms
g. GivingHim your pain and receiving His love and healing
h. Forgivingall who need forgiveness
i. Focusingback on Jesus and listening to what He has to tell you about it all
j. Permanentlysolidifying and reframing the memory