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The First Principle of Discipleship

Living a Life of Prayer


Livinga Life of Prayer 

Scriptures to consider:Luke 11:1; Matthew 6:5-13; Luke 18:1; Ephesians 6:18; John 15:1 ff; 1John 5:14 

I. What is prayer? Constant Continual Communion with God 

1. Awareness of His presence 

2. Engagement and interaction with Hispresence, speaking as well as hearing God speak to us. 

(2) Prayer can also take on a more direct andintensive communication with God 

3. Submission to His presence as our Lord andMaster 

II. When and where should we pray? Allthe time, everywhere 1 Thessalonians 5:17; Ephesians 6:18 “Ask and keep on

III. Why should we pray? 

1. Theway to stay close and intimate with God. Not changing the heartof God but finding His heart. Luke 6:12 Jesus spent all night in prayer. What
would marriage be like without intimacy? 

2. Theway to stay fruitful. John 15:1 ff We can be more like a stickon the shelf rather than a branch connected to the vine! 

(1) Personally,with the fruit of the Spirit 

(2) Winningothers to Christ, Christian fruit 

(3) GettingKingdom work done. Not getting what we want! “You have not because you ask not.
You ask and do not receive because you ask with the wrong motives James”
“Whatever you ask in My name,” If we ask anything according to His will” 1 John

3. Theway to stay faithful Luke 18:1 

4. Theway to stay victorious in spiritual warfare Ephesians 6:18 

IV. How should we pray? Matthew 6:9-13 

1. Fasting is directly connected to prayerDaniel 9:3; Nehemiah 1:4; 1 Corinthians 7:4 

2. Fasting is a voluntary choice coming outof obedience to God’s direction Zechariah 7:5; Matthew 6:16-18 

3. Fasting is primarily a private andpersonal matter Matthew 6:16-18 

4. Fasting is an experience that is IntensiveDaniel 9:3; Nehemiah 1:4, Humbling Psalm 35:13, and Empowering Matthew17:21; 4:2 

Matthew 6:9-13 

2. From the basis of family, intimacy withthe God of the Universe “Our Father in heaven” v.9 

(1) Psalm 95:1-3 

(2) Psalm 100:1-5 

(3) Psalm 34:1 

(4) Ephesians 5:20 “eucharisteo” givingfreely, here we have “for” 

(5) 1 Thessalonians 5:18, Here we have “in” 

(6) 2 Corinthians 4:17 

4. Expression of our desire for God’sreigning and will to be primary in all things. The same on earth as it is in
heaven v.10! 

5. Requests and petitions for daily needs tobe met. God loves to meet needs. He loves to fill that which is empty. God
creates capacity in order for us to be aware of it and ask for Him to meet our
needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians), but we
can’t have pride… God hates the proudful look Proverbs 6:17 The proud has no
desire to consider they have needs! 

6. Seeking forgiveness and forgiving others, “confessing”our sins daily! Explain what “confessing” means, “agreeing with God that
something is wrong.”  Activity forconfessing our sins and choosing to forgive ourselves and others! V.12 

7. Speaking and releasing power and victoryin spiritual warfare v.13 

8. Last of all, praying is listening to God,to hear Him! 

Scriptures: Psalm 85:8;Isaiah 65:12; Matthew 4:1-4; 17:1-6; Mark 4:23-24; John 8:47; 10:27; Revelation
2:7, 11, 17, 29; 3:6, 13, 22  

1. Scripturestell us in many places to hear the Lord speaking to us. Psalm 85:8; Rev.
verses; Matthew 17: 1-6 

2. HearingGod is an important factor in releasing and maintaining abundant life!  

3. Considerthese verses and what they indicate from hearing or not hearing God.  

(1) Isaiah65:12 – loss and judgment, led to doing evil, making wrong choices 

(2) Mark4:23-24 – determining the measure of judgment and what is given to us 

(3) John8:47; 10:27 – demonstrates one doesn’t belong to God 

4. Weoften fail to understand that an important source of life is from God’s spoken
word to us. Consider how powerful God’s spoken word is: 

(1) Inthe beginning God spoke, and creation came forth.  

(2) Johntells us that Jesus is the Word made flesh.  

(3) Jesusspoke and people were healed, delivered, and raised from the dead 

5. Lookingcarefully at the first temptation of Jesus Matthew 4:1-4. It is interesting
that this is the first one because of its importance. “Bread” here represents a
source of life. Jesus is the bread of life! 

6. Understandthe difference between “Rhema” not “Logos” The source of life is based on what
we’re hearing God saying to our hearts. “Rhema” is the Spirit empowered word of
God directly to our hearts.  

(1) Godcan and normally uses the Logos to speak to us but can use multiple sources.
Nothing should ever contradict the Bible! It is the Rhema word of God that
changes our lives, that releases and maintains the abundant life in us! 

(2) ConsiderPeter getting the revelation from God that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of the
Living God in Matthew. 

7. Releasingand maintaining the abundant life begins by living a life of prayer including hearing
God on a regular basis! John 10:27-28 

Activity: Let’slisten to God Speak to us now… share out loud if possible what you hear the
Lord saying to your heart!